What people say?
ARTDEX is relatively new. When I found it, I was attracted by its simple interface and ease of use to archive, manage and share my artwork, and possibly connect with art collectors. I also liked the fact that it wasn’t oversaturated by artists, like other similar platforms or sites. I noticed the people behind it were very competent, passionate about supporting emerging artists, and full of initiatives – such as the 2018 Inaugural Art Competition – and that there was a regular presence on social sites.

Rome, Italy
ARTDEX is a wonderful opportunity for artists to have their work seen by Collectors from all over the globe. As well, ARTDEX strongly promotes Artists on their social media platforms. I would absolutely recommend it to other Artists, Galleries, and Collectors as it is an incredible website for Connection. Jenny Park Adam and the staff are very responsive and helpful with any questions I may have and have been excellent in promoting my work. I would sincerely recommend ARTDEX to anyone who has a business in the Arts.

Palm Beach, FL, USA
I can testify that you care about the members (more than other social media platforms). And more we are, the more you could improve the audience, then the interest from collectors. I'm quite fine with archiving (just done a lecture about my experience a few months ago - storing, cataloging...). Improvement was to enlarge the exposure, never enough in the competition around there. Sorting to collection could be a good idea, but I haven't yet formed the habit of doing it systematically. The best thing about ARTDEX is the personal care I got from the management, meaning there is a serious business there. So, I'm looking forward to a profitable return in the near future.

Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA
I was searching pages to share and collect my artworks and to see works of others. Then I found ARTDEX. I looks professional and interesting, that is why I joined.

From Mrozy, Poland, living in Paris, France
It's well represented and seems easy for people to use. Yes ARTDEX is good exposure - why would you not show what your passionate about. Let others see and feel what you feel.

Hazleton, PA, USA
What was it that convinced you to join ARTDEX? I thought that ARTDEX would be a great tool for exposure, connection and networking.

New York, NY, USA
ARTDEX is a friendly place with better-known art. They like my art and I find new artists that I like as well. It's connected to both other artists and collectors, for making better connections and improving online performance. It's also place to attract fine art buyers

I was impressed with the design and useful platform ARTDEX offers. If memory serves me correctly, I searched what the best-rated Art-base websites were. ARTDEX was in the top ten, and I am happy that joined.

Yes, it's a good organizational tool and i like how easy it is to upload images. Mostly handwritten record moving in to computerization - ARTDEX was a stepping stone for this but I still need to use it more.

I used to peruse Instagram and other online art retail sites for curation and inspiration before ARTDEX, I love being able to explore other artist's work and to derive inspiration from them all. It is a great spot to discover artists throughout the world and in your own community. A great source of inspiration and motivation.

Brooklyn, NY, USA
I searched for a platform not only to have my all artworks in one place but to share them with all the ARTDEX community. My dream is to make my own personal exhibition and another dream is to show my art to others so they can understand and know me better.

Palanga, Lithuania
Every artist needs a platform that is user-friendly and has a good collection of artworks. One thing that makes ARTDEX special is its reach and presentation. As that helps an artist to focus on creation and helps art lovers find their art.

Surat, Gujarat, India
mijn werk aan de wereld tonen en zien wat anderen maken. (show my work to the world and see what others make.) niet veranderd maar ruimer geworden, ik bekijk graag werk van anderen. (not changed but broadened, I like to view the work of others.) ja er zijn geregeld nieuwe werken te zien (yes there are new works on display regularly).

Kampenhout, Belgium
As artists we receive a lot of emails but it was nice to be invited onto a free platform and it’s a very useful site to upload and catalogue ones artworks into collections. It’s interesting to see how ones work starts to grow into different categories and good to know it’s all there to refer to. I haven’t quite got onto the social aspect of it yet. I hope to do this soon and reach out to artists that interest me.

Liverpool, UK
I have decided to show my paintings on ARTDEX, because it gives me the possibility for my art to be seen by many people, it is like a window that opens to many views. Because I think that the beautiful thing about appreciating a painting is that each person will give it a different reading, it will be his or her own and in this way, we will beautify life.

Havana, Cuba
I joined ARTDEX to simply have another outlet of positive energy flow come into my life. All Art Apps that are available I have tried to get them all, that's if they work after downloading. I really started MY Photographic ART STYLE, LAST YEAR. Been working my whole adult life of 30 years and decided that I need some creativity back in my life, it was missing, sadly. It was desperately needed also. One should never live without doing something that helps quell stress and calm nerves, Art does wonders for the soul. Art keeps you steady. I just wish I had listened to my teachers when I was a kid about how good I was. DO NOT LET ANYONE DISCOURAGE YOUR FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION. Creativity is a gift. Don’t let it slip through your fingers. It's hard to regain.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
An artist I worked with Michael Hafftka invited me to the platform and when I was an art dealer I would frequently send collectors to the platform showing my top picks of works from artists I was working with and was much more efficient than constantly tweaking and updating my website that had 100+ works.I'd have to say being able to showcase artists you admire or in other cases collect to others. It is a very personal thing many only see if they enter someones home but what ARTDEX does is also allow for other collectors to start to establish and curate their taste by seeing what else is out there. I think its like as if they had an Instagram just for art but better.

New York, NY, USA
I send my works to many places around the world. Several people invite me to send my works to them, and I send my works to a number of others myself. My concern is the human concern and there is no boundary for it, although geography and the social and political conditions that govern it absolutely have inspired me. In general, my works refer to all human beings. Hence, as an artist and as for the attitude I have towards the world, people, and art, as well as the mission that I have taken, I would like my works to be displayed and seen throughout the world. Therefore wherever I feel works professionally and interacts with my works, I also cooperate with them. The ARTDEX team is also considered one of these places and I'm pleased to be a member.

Tehran, Iran
ARTDEX seemed like a great connection network, well organized and structured and this made me very excited! I think this was missing in the online world, an excellent platform that connects and supports all the public of the art.

Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
I try to join art websites such as ARTDEX that I think will be another good way to market my work. Making art for me is like being on a long creative and spiritual journey. The art process has always been a consuming, stimulating passion in my life. I live to create…it is something that keeps me going every day. Creating art is a meditative experience and helps to bring a deep connection within myself.

Virginia, USA
ARTDEX is a natural artist ecosystem. And an environment where people feel comfortable to exchange ideas, proposals, and artistic idiosyncrasies. It is an excellent visibility platform for our work.

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
I saw the name ARTDEX come up on an art site, being called Dex I had to check it out. Some kind of sign? I liked the friendliness of the people involved and the work of the other artists on there were great. It felt like it was artists putting it together, not salesmen. If that makes sense?

Huddersfield, UK
Over the years, I have added my work to several sites. ARTDEX is unique because much of the work leans towards the more traditional fine art style. It helps me to see how my work fits with this style because my collection is more contemporary.

Jacksonvill (FL), USA
ARTDEX is a platform for artists, galleries and collectors. I am interested in exhibitions and sales of my artworks to collectors and museums. Currently, I have a large number of paintings that I would like to sell. ARTDEX gives me a chance for my paintings to be seen by collectors.

New York City, USA
I tried ARTDEX to see how easy it would be to use and loved the founder’s help and feedbacks so stayed.

Canberra, Australia
Like many artists, I would like more people to see my works, so I'm interested in exhibiting in various world galleries.

Trakai, Lithuania
I got behind ARTDEX's motive in making art more accessible to other artists, collectors, and new audiences.

Delray Beach (FL), USA
All artists really want is to get fresh eyes on their work. When I discovered ARTDEX it was another platform to use to get new viewers to discover me. I only hope you have my website listed so they can see so much more of my original paintings. www.glinaart.com. They can contact me there if interested in buying a piece.

San Clemente (CA), USA
Every week I publish an artwork on LinkedIn, Instagram and Kunstwerkt One of my connections, Jenny Park Adam, CEO at Art Collectors International / ARTDEX, invited me to visit ARTDEX and to publish whenever I was interested. When I visited the site, I came across a number of works by artists I appreciate a lot and I decided to post some of my works on ARTDEX.

Ghent, Belgium
I discovered an artist (on Instagram) whose work I truly admire - her name is Jessica Alazraki. She posted that she had won a prize for her work from ARTDEX. I decided to check out the ARTDEX site and really liked that there was a simple, professional (and free!) platform for artists to catalog their collections. I found ARTDEX to be a really useful tool for me, especially because my current project "Growing Up Jewish - Art & Storytelling" includes both short stories and paintings. ARTDEX enabled me to simply and beautifully incorporate both of these elements of my project onto their site.

Highland Park (IL), USA