Now that you’re an expert in creating collections and organizing your art it’s time to take a look at what other people are up to on ARTDEX!
With just a few clicks, you can easily search for and discover new artists, artworks and collections that other users are sharing.
To start log in to ARTDEX.

1. ARTDEX Discover
Explore what’s happening in the art world by clicking on “Discover” from the side navigation menu.
On the Discover page you’ll be able to segment your search by Artists, Artworks and Collections.
You can filter what’s displayed by medium, movement or theme. You can also view the most searched, most popular and most commented artworks on ARTDEX.
Pro Tip: Make sure to hit “RESET ALL FILTERS” each time you’d like to explore a different filter.
2. ARTDEX Search
Looking for a particular artist, artwork, collection or user? Click the magnifying lens search icon in the upper righthand corner of the navigation bar.
Then, type in the name of the person or title of the artwork or collection that you’re looking for. And voila! You’ve got results.
Still have questions? Check out our FAQ page or shoot us a note at
Happy ARTDEX-ing!